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High Frequency

Treatments at New Beginnings

Zap away your Skinsecurities . . .


New Beginnings Introduces . . .

Introducing our High Frequency Treatmenst! This service is complementary with our Hydra Bright Facial . . . just ask! 

If you ever wished for a wand that could magically zap all your skinsecureties away, ⁣we have the closest thing - the high frequency treatment - and it's free!


Add HFT to your Hydra Bright Facial at no extra charge!

This fun tool helps diminish the appearance of:

  • cystic and hormonal acne

  • fine lines and wrinkles ⁣⁣⁣

  • sagging skin

  • puffy eyes


It increases . . .

  • deeper product penetration⁣⁣⁣

  • skins natural healthy glow

  • hair growth on scalp⁣⁣⁣

  • collagen production

  • blood circulation


How does it work and is it safe?

The amazing thing about the HFT is that it's powered by a holistic electric current generating oscillation. It is a totally safe, gentle and non-intrusive tool that many find very relaxing. HFT produces a thermal heat instantly killing all bacteria to generate more oxygen for your skin to thrive on.

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